This is the complete list of members for BMIPhreeqcRM, including all inherited members.
_Index | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | protected |
_Instances | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | protectedstatic |
_InstancesIndex | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | protectedstatic |
_InstancesLock | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | protectedstatic |
AddOutputVars(std::string option, std::string def) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | virtual |
BMIPhreeqcRM() | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
BMIPhreeqcRM(int ngrid, int nthreads) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
Char2TrimString(const char *str, size_t l=0) | PhreeqcRM | static |
CleanupBMIModuleInstances(void) | BMIPhreeqcRM | static |
CleanupReactionModuleInstances(void) | PhreeqcRM | static |
CloseFiles(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
Concentrations2Utility(const std::vector< double > &c, const std::vector< double > &tc, const std::vector< double > &p_atm) | PhreeqcRM | |
Construct(void) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | protected |
CreateBMIModule() | BMIPhreeqcRM | static |
CreateBMIModule(int nxyz, int nthreads) | BMIPhreeqcRM | static |
CreateMapping(const std::vector< int > &grid2chem) | PhreeqcRM | |
CreateReactionModule(int nxyz, int nthreads) | PhreeqcRM | static |
DecodeError(int result) | PhreeqcRM | |
Destroy(int id) | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | inlinestatic |
DestroyAll() | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | inlinestatic |
DestroyBMIModule(int n) | BMIPhreeqcRM | static |
DestroyReactionModule(int n) | PhreeqcRM | static |
DumpModule(bool dump_on, bool append=false) | PhreeqcRM | |
ErrorHandler(int result, const std::string &e_string) | PhreeqcRM | |
ErrorMessage(const std::string &error_string, bool prepend=true) | PhreeqcRM | |
FileExists(const std::string &name) | PhreeqcRM | static |
FileRename(const std::string &temp_name, const std::string &name, const std::string &backup_name) | PhreeqcRM | static |
Finalize() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
FindComponents() | PhreeqcRM | |
GetBackwardMapping(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetChemistryCellCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetComponentCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetComponentName() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetComponents(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetConcentrations(std::vector< double > &c_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetCurrentSelectedOutputUserNumber(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetCurrentTime() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetDatabaseFileName(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetDensity(std::vector< double > &d_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetDensityCalculated(std::vector< double > &d_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetEndCell(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetEndTime() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetEquilibriumPhases(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetEquilibriumPhasesCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetErrorHandlerMode(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetErrorString(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetExchangeNames(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetExchangeSpecies(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetExchangeSpeciesCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetFilePrefix(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetForwardMapping(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGasCompMoles(std::vector< double > &gas_moles_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetGasComponents(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGasComponentsCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGasCompPhi(std::vector< double > &gas_phi) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetGasCompPressures(std::vector< double > &gas_pressure) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetGasPhaseVolume(std::vector< double > &gas_volume_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetGfw(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridCellCount(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridCellCountYAML(const char *YAML_file) | PhreeqcRM | static |
GetGridEdgeCount(const int grid) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridEdgeNodes(const int grid, int *edge_nodes) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridFaceCount(const int grid) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridFaceEdges(const int grid, int *face_edges) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridFaceNodes(const int grid, int *face_nodes) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridNodeCount(const int grid) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridNodesPerFace(const int grid, int *nodes_per_face) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridOrigin(const int grid, double *origin) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridRank(const int grid) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetGridShape(const int grid, int *shape) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridSize(const int grid) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetGridSpacing(const int grid, double *spacing) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridType(const int grid) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetGridX(const int grid, double *x) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridY(const int grid, double *y) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetGridZ(const int grid, double *z) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetIndex() | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | inline |
GetInputItemCount() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetInputVarNames() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetInstance(int n) | BMIPhreeqcRM | static |
GetIPhreeqcPointer(int i) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetIthConcentration(int i, std::vector< double > &c_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetIthSpeciesConcentration(int i, std::vector< double > &c_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetKineticReactions(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetKineticReactionsCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetMpiMyself(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetMpiTasks(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetNthSelectedOutputUserNumber(int n) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetOutputItemCount() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetOutputVarNames() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetPartitionUZSolids(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetPointableItemCount() | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetPointableVarNames() | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetPorosity(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetPressure(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetPrintChemistryMask(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetPrintChemistryOn(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetReadOnlyVarNames() | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetRebalanceByCell(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetRebalanceFraction(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSaturation(std::vector< double > &sat_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSaturationCalculated(std::vector< double > &sat_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSelectedOutput(std::vector< double > &s_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSelectedOutputColumnCount(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSelectedOutputCount(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSelectedOutputHeading(int icol, std::string &heading) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSelectedOutputHeadings(std::vector< std::string > &headings) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSelectedOutputOn(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSelectedOutputRowCount(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSICount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSINames(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSolidSolutionComponents(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSolidSolutionComponentsCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSolidSolutionNames(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSolutionVolume(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSpeciesConcentrations(std::vector< double > &species_conc_output) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSpeciesCount(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSpeciesD25(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSpeciesLog10Gammas(std::vector< double > &species_log10gammas) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSpeciesLog10Molalities(std::vector< double > &species_log10molalities) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetSpeciesNames(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSpeciesSaveOn(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSpeciesStoichiometry(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSpeciesZ(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetStartCell(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetStartTime() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetSurfaceNames(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSurfaceSpecies(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSurfaceSpeciesCount(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetSurfaceTypes(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetTemperature(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
GetThreadCount() | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetTime(void) const | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetTimeConversion(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetTimeStep() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetTimeUnits() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsExchange(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsGasPhase(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsKinetics(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsPPassemblage(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsSolution(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsSSassemblage(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetUnitsSurface(void) | PhreeqcRM | inline |
GetValue(const std::string name, void *dest) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, bool &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, bool *OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, double &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, double *OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, int &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, int *OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, std::string &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, std::vector< double > &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, std::vector< int > &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValue(const std::string name, std::vector< std::string > &OUTPUT) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetValueAtIndices(std::string name, void *dest, int *inds, int count) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetValuePtr(std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetVarGrid(const std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetVarItemsize(const std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetVarLocation(const std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
GetVarNbytes(const std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetVarType(const std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetVarUnits(const std::string name) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
GetViscosity() | PhreeqcRM | |
GetWorkers() | PhreeqcRM | inline |
InitialEquilibriumPhases2Module(const std::vector< int > &equilibrium_phases) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialExchanges2Module(const std::vector< int > &exchanges) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialGasPhases2Module(const std::vector< int > &gas_phases) | PhreeqcRM | |
Initialize(std::string config_file="") override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
InitializeYAML(std::string yamlfile) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialKinetics2Module(const std::vector< int > &kinetics) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqc2Concentrations(std::vector< double > &destination_c, const std::vector< int > &boundary_solution1) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqc2Concentrations(std::vector< double > &destination_c, const std::vector< int > &boundary_solution1, const std::vector< int > &boundary_solution2, const std::vector< double > &fraction1) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqc2Module(const std::vector< int > &initial_conditions1) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqc2Module(const std::vector< int > &initial_conditions1, const std::vector< int > &initial_conditions2, const std::vector< double > &fraction1) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqc2SpeciesConcentrations(std::vector< double > &destination_c, const std::vector< int > &boundary_solution1) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqc2SpeciesConcentrations(std::vector< double > &destination_c, const std::vector< int > &boundary_solution1, const std::vector< int > &boundary_solution2, const std::vector< double > &fraction1) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialPhreeqcCell2Module(int n, const std::vector< int > &cell_numbers) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialSolidSolutions2Module(const std::vector< int > &solid_solutions) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialSolutions2Module(const std::vector< int > &solutions) | PhreeqcRM | |
InitialSurfaces2Module(const std::vector< int > &surfaces) | PhreeqcRM | |
Int2IrmResult(int r, bool positive_ok) | PhreeqcRM | static |
language | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
LoadDatabase(const std::string &database) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | virtual |
LogMessage(const std::string &str) | PhreeqcRM | |
MpiAbort() | PhreeqcRM | |
MpiWorker() | PhreeqcRM | |
MpiWorkerBreak() | PhreeqcRM | |
OpenFiles(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
OutputMessage(const std::string &str) | PhreeqcRM | |
PhreeqcRM(int nxyz, int thread_count_or_communicator, PHRQ_io *io=NULL, bool delay_construct=false) | PhreeqcRM | |
ReturnHandler(IRM_RESULT result, const std::string &e_string) | PhreeqcRM | |
RunCells(void) | PhreeqcRM | |
RunFile(bool workers, bool initial_phreeqc, bool utility, const std::string &chemistry_name) | PhreeqcRM | |
RunString(bool workers, bool initial_phreeqc, bool utility, const std::string &input_string) | PhreeqcRM | |
ScreenMessage(const std::string &str) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetComponentH2O(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetConcentrations(const std::vector< double > &c) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetCurrentSelectedOutputUserNumber(int n_user) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetDensity(const std::vector< double > &density) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetDensityUser(const std::vector< double > &density) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetDumpFileName(const std::string &dump_name) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetErrorHandlerMode(int mode) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetErrorOn(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetFilePrefix(const std::string &prefix) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetGasCompMoles(const std::vector< double > &gas_moles) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetGasPhaseVolume(const std::vector< double > &gas_volume) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetIthConcentration(int i, std::vector< double > &c) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetIthSpeciesConcentration(int i, std::vector< double > &c) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetLanguage(const char *string) | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
SetMpiWorkerCallbackC(int(*fcn)(int *method, void *cookie)) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetMpiWorkerCallbackCookie(void *cookie) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetMpiWorkerCallbackFortran(int(*fcn)(int *method)) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetNthSelectedOutput(int n) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetPartitionUZSolids(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetPorosity(const std::vector< double > &por) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetPressure(const std::vector< double > &p) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetPrintChemistryMask(const std::vector< int > &cell_mask) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetPrintChemistryOn(bool workers, bool initial_phreeqc, bool utility) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetRebalanceByCell(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetRebalanceFraction(double f) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetRepresentativeVolume(const std::vector< double > &rv) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetSaturation(const std::vector< double > &sat) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetSaturationUser(const std::vector< double > &sat) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetScreenOn(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetSelectedOutputOn(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetSpeciesSaveOn(bool save_on) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetTemperature(const std::vector< double > &t) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetTime(double time) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetTimeConversion(double conv_factor) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetTimeStep(double time_step) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsExchange(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsGasPhase(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsKinetics(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsPPassemblage(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsSolution(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsSSassemblage(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetUnitsSurface(int option) | PhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, void *src) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, bool src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, const char *src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, double src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, int src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, const std::string src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, std::vector< double > src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, std::vector< int > src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValue(const std::string name, std::vector< std::string > src) | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
SetValueAtIndices(std::string name, int *inds, int count, void *src) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | inline |
SpeciesConcentrations2Module(const std::vector< double > &species_conc) | PhreeqcRM | |
StateApply(int istate) | PhreeqcRM | |
StateDelete(int istate) | PhreeqcRM | |
StateSave(int istate) | PhreeqcRM | |
StaticIndexer(PhreeqcRM *self) | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | inline |
Update() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
UpdateUntil(double end_time) override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
UseSolutionDensityVolume(bool tf) | PhreeqcRM | |
WarningMessage(const std::string &warnstr) | PhreeqcRM | |
~BMIPhreeqcRM() override | BMIPhreeqcRM | |
~PhreeqcRM(void) | PhreeqcRM | virtual |
~StaticIndexer() | StaticIndexer< PhreeqcRM > | inline |